Les Bavardes, Feminist and lesbian collective in amiens
20 oct.2017 - 16 oct.2022

Publication Manager

To join the publication manager, please send an email to contact@lesbavardes.org
This website www.lesbavardes.org (the "Website") is published by Les Bavardes
A non-profit organization (1901 law association, foundations, endowment funds)


Hosting of the site is provided by OVH having its premises-based at the following address: :
OVH SAS, SAS with a capital of € 10,059,500, electing domicile 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix France, registered with the RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 APE code 6202A VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419, represented by its legal manager Octave KLABA.

Intellectual property

This site is and remains a creation of the mind protected by law. All the content of Les Bavardes site is strictly private and reserved under copyright law as well as intellectual property.
All reproduction rights for Les Bavardes site are therefore strictly private and reserved.
Any reproduction or copy of documents, images, texts, illustrations, brand logos, and Iconographic documents are therefore strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
It is the same for the site database. Any exploitation without exception of the contents of this site will, therefore, be followed by legal proceedings. The Lille court will have sole jurisdiction to settle disputes.

Website design

Marie De Souza for the conception and the writing.
Noémie Claude, Marion Joly, and Jade Guehoun for conception, development, and design.
Catherine for the logo and her good advice.
Lucille, Audrey, Marion B, Jeanne, and many others for their collaboration.